Tara Lynne of Geek Saga Entertainment has been attending Dragon Con since 2012. They began their podcast coverage of Dragon Con in 2017 with the very first “Drinkin’ Con” webcast, and have recorded and shared nearly all of their panels since!
Drinkin’ Con v1.0 (2017)
Drinkin’ Con v2.0 (2018)
Drinkin’ Con 2018: The Hangover
Drinkin’ Con v3.0 (2019)
Drinkin’ Con 2019: The Hangover
Drinkin’ Con v4.0 (Virtual Dragon Con 2020)
Drinkin’ Con v5.0 (2021)
Drinkin’ Con 2021: The Hangover
Drinkin’ Con v6.0 (2022)
Drinkin’ Con 2022: The Hangover
Drinkin’ Con v7.0 (2023)
Drinkin’ Con 2023: The Hangover
Drinkin’ Con v8.0 (2024)
Drinkin’ Con 2024: The Hangover
Drinkin’ Con v9.0 COMING SOON…ish 😉
*Please note that while quite a bit of audio editing was done on these live recordings from 2022 on, prior to that very little editing was done, and even in the more recent episodes on which more time was spent “fixing”, there was only so much to be done as they were recorded live in places with varying audio quality.*
Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (2024) – Coming Soon!
The Rogue Prince (2024)
Red Rising Saga Fan Panel (2024)
Aegon’s Conquest (2024)
Worst Person in Westeros (2024)
Walking Dead Universe (2024)
House of the Dragon Season 2 (2024)
Stormlight Archive Speculation (2024)
House of the Dragon Season 1 (2023)
The Princess & The Queen (ASOIAF/HotD – 2023)
Madness of the King (2023)
Shadow & Bone Season 2 (2023)
Apocalypse Rising Loner vs. Community (2023)
Tress of the Emerald Sea (2023)
Please Adapt This (High Fantasy – 2023)
Worst Person in Westeros (2023)
Blackwater Squares Game Show (Red Dead Redemption – 2022)
Tolkien’s Trickster Tropes (2021)
ASOIAF 25th Anniversary (2021)
Nailed it or Failed it: Jon Snow (2021)
Shadow & Bone Season 1 (2021)
Game of Tricksters (ASOIAF/GoT – 2020 Virtual)
Nailed it or Failed it: Game of Thrones Character Arcs (2019)
Fire & Blood: Targaryen History (2019)
Apocalyptic Psych 101 (2019)
Game of Thrones Final Season (2019)
Heroic Journeys in Game of Thrones (2019)
Red Dead Redemption Fan Panel (2019)
White Walkers, Wargs, & Weirwoods, Oh My! (2018)
Looney Game of Thrones Theories (2018)
Religion in High Fantasy (2018)
There Must Always Be a Stark at Dragon Con (2018)
Sons of the Dragon [Con] (2018)
Apocalypse Rising Join the Resistance (2018)
Vikings Fan Panel (2017)
Ladies’ Guide to the Apocalypse (2017)
The 100 Fan Panel (2017)
“Defenders, Unite!” Fan Panel (2017)
Game of Toxic Masculinity (2017)
Looney Game of Thrones Theories (2017)
Game of Thrones Lookback Panel (2017)