I started writing my second novel, How to Start Living (in the Zombie Apocalypse), for National Novel Writing Month in November of 2013. Unfortunately, personal upheaval combined with a lot of work making major edits to my first book, The Way of Reckoning, kept me from finishing it in a timely manner.
That said, I’m excited to announce that the first draft of How to Start Living (in the Zombie Apocalypse) was completed last summer, it was beta’d last fall, and the final edits were completed just last month – which means that the ebook will be available for purchase starting Monday February 13th!

Many thanks to Tony of AZCS Technology/Dark Catt Studios for supplying the cover art, which I’m VERY excited about.
How to Start Living (in the Zombie Apocalypse) is the story of how a young woman faces the end of the world as we know it head on – and doesn’t exactly feel ‘fine’…
How would YOU survive the zombie apocalypse? It’s a question Charlie never thought to ask herself, but now that she’s been dropped into the middle of it she has to face her new reality. She isn’t sure if the answer is simply to kill or be killed, or if there’s some way around that…and she’s not even sure she wants to take the pacifist route, anyway.
Follow Charlie as she leaves a yoga retreat and is forced to begin a journey back to her childhood home; as she struggles to survive, only to discover that she’s never felt so alive before.
If you are interested in procuring a signed physical copy of the book, I will be offering them for sale at my booth at MegaCon Orlando May 25-28, 2017, or feel free to purchase one online and bring it to either of the following upcoming events:
- ClexaCon – Las Vegas, NV – March 3-5, 2017 (please note that the best/easiest way to procure a signature from me at this convention will be to attend one of my panels)
- Ice & Fire Con – Pembroke, VA – April 28-30, 2017
Please note that while the ebook will be available on February 13th, paperback copies will take a bit longer to finalize, but they will be available before March 1st…I’m just too excited to wait much longer to release this book; writing it has been such a labor of love and I can’t wait to share it!
Cover Artist Bio
Antonio Maldonado is a custodial hero by day and a snack lovin’ cartoonist at night. He shares his home/studio/dojo with Stella (9th level Puggle Warrioress) where they share snacks and… okay, they mostly just share snacks. However, drawing things that make people go “Oooh!” is in his blood. So keep your eyes peeled for more stuff over at thecucoking.deviantart.com and/or cucoking.wordpress.com.