I’m Not Part of Some Made Up Conspiracy Theory: Alec Peters & Bullying, Part 6

It’s been a LONG while since I’ve had the time or energy to add to this series, but there have been some recent comments made regarding a supposed “press release” coming out soon that is apparently about a “conspiracy” that is being “investigated” by the Axanar “legal team” and “other agencies”. And that led to my realizing that..huh, I have a lot to say about the faux “conspiracies” they blather about…might as well do it now!

So while the crack “legal team” from the Axanar camp might be talking about an entirely different made up conspiracy theory from the ones I’m about to get into, I figured it was past time for me to resurrect this series – and this post draft that I’ve had sitting around since late March 2023 – to reiterate that no matter what Alec and his flunkeys say, I have never been party to ANY made up/invented/fabricated “conspiracy” surrounding…well, literally any of them or anything they do or say.

(Seriously though, who even has that much time on their hands? Certainly not someone with a bicoastal existence who has a full-time job, a family, four pets, two podcasts, etc. etc. etc…lol)

Anyway, I decided that it would be prurient to touch on two issues that have been brought up more times than I can actually count, let alone believe, because while I was not directly involved in the original event that triggered these issues – or in any of that event’s fallback – Alec and his creepily devoted followers have tried their damndest to make it seem as if I was.

This *particular* faux conspiracy theory began after an incident at Dragon Con 2021- one which I have stated – numerous times – never should have happened. That being, Shawn O’Halloran confronting Alec at the Axanar (/Ares Studios/whatever TF business name they were operating under at that time) vendor booth.

Let me kick this off by saying that while Dean went to the vendor room with Shawn, and did in fact film the altercation, all he knew was that Shawn was going to sing happy birthday and show Alec the print out of the ’10 rounds’ post that Alec had made. He had no idea how far it would go, and he, and ONLY he, was involved in that situation. I was not, nor was – as they continually insist – Paul Jenkins. (Who, by the way, ALEC sued and has been saying increasingly disgusting things about over the years despite Paul being a stand-up person with a family and friends who vouch for him at every turn.)

There are several YouTube and TikTok videos of this altercation (YouTube videos linked below; for TikTok just search ‘axanar’ and enjoy yourself lol):

Dragon Con Raw Footage 1
Dragon Con Raw Footage 3 (might be mislabeled, no ‘2’ is available)
Dragon Con Raw Video 4 (again, might be mislabeled as no ‘2’ is available)
Dragon Con Altercation
Altercation in Atlanta
Exclusive New Bodycam Vision: Altercation in Atlanta

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Shawn never should have wasted his time confronting Alec at Dragon Con. There’s a small part of me that understands WHY he did it, considering Alec’s blatant offer (/threat?) to “go ten rounds with any of those fat fucks”, compounded by Alec’s comment’s regarding Shawn’s children being “Hitler youth”…but a confrontation of this manner, happening in a public vendor room at a convention, is still NEVER cool. It ends up roping in hard-working people (paid employees and/or volunteers) who then have to spend their valuable time dealing with nonsense, and they really shouldn’t have to do ::gestures:: aaaany of that.

Meanwhile, I was completely ignorant of anything that was going on until well after it happened. My partner Dean and I had kissed each other goodbye earlier that day, as I was speaking on a couple of panels for fandoms he’s not really into; and also, we don’t have to know where each other is 24/7. On top of that, as previously mentioned, he only knew that Shawn was going to Alec’s booth to sing happy birthday and confront him with a printed out copy of the “ten rounds” post – BUT! just to be clear – he didn’t even know THOSE details until after we’d parted ways for the afternoon.

My panel schedule that day consisted of one that lasted from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM and another that took place from 2:30-3:30 PM. Yet according to Alec Peters, I “lied about” my “part” in the “assault” on HIM (lolol) at Dragon Con 2021:

alec peters star trek axanar bullying

The altercation in question – one in which Shawn O’Halloran approached Alec at his booth, sang a terrible rendition of Happy Birthday, and showed him the print-out of the “ten rounds” post that Alec himself had made – took place around 3 PM or so that day. As in…well after I had kissed Dean goodbye at about 11:15 AM (when I headed to my first panel of the day), and DURING my 2:30-3:30 PM “Tolkien’s Trickster Tropes” panel. (Which, by the way, you can listen to by clicking this link!)

When I got out of that panel at about 3:30, I sent the above messages, to which Dean responded with some vague messages about Alec attacking Shawn – because by the way, Alec did in fact slap Shawn’s phone out of Shawn’s hand…and refused to give it back because he was attempting to delete the video that Shawn had recorded.

Let me reiterate: I do not at ALL agree with what Shawn did here. But that does NOT change the fact that ALEC was the one who in fact physically assaulted Shawn (see video links above for proof of this), took his phone, and would not return it until Shawn pushed his way into the booth to take it back.

I really can’t say this enough – this whole situation was absolute ridiculous nonsense and never should have happened, but it bears repeating that ALEC is the one who hit Shawn, ALEC is the one who was refusing to return Shawn’s personal property to him, and ALEC is the one who was not only escorted out by the police but then – hilariously – tried to get a selfie with one of them (presumably to enforce his “I was in fact the victim here” narrative) and was, of course, turned down.

After one of Alec’s flunkeys tried to assert that that Shawn himself said I was part of the situation, Shawn of course called that out:

dragon con 2021 alec peters axanar conspiracy

Granted, that didn’t deter them from insisting that I was part of some completely made up conspiracy theory! Because if they couldn’t prove that I was involved in the Dragon Con 2021 altercation, there was always Dragon Con 2022, right?!

Admittedly, there was conflicting information about Alec Peters being allowed at Dragon Con 2022. Based on what had happened in 2021, Alec – who assaulted Shawn after Shawn sang ‘happy birthday’ and showed him a copy of the ‘ten rounds’ post that Alec himself had made – was removed from the convention. He also had his vendor badge taken away, BUT he had his own personal “eternal” badge…and used that to get back into the vendor room the very next day! (Because rules don’t apply to him, of course!) However, he was once again removed from the convention on Monday of Dragon Con 2021, presumably for using a secondary badge to get back in in the first place.

In most cases, this would/could/should have led to a permanent ban from the event. Unfortunately, as Alec had long ago purchased the aforementioned “eternal badge”, he was able to pick up his Dragon Con 2022 pass the next year.

However, someone who knew that Alec had been ejected from Dragon Con the year before happened to see him parading around with a badge at Dragon Con 2022, and reported him to security. The idea that Alec would not be allowed to return to the convention was in fact based on Dragon Con’s own rules:

We reserve the right to ask you to leave the Convention and refuse to refund your membership money if you are behaving – in technical terms – like a jerk.  Harassment of any kind, including physically or verbally threatening, annoying, unwelcoming attentions, stalking, pushing, shoving or use of physical force; which in any way creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous, as well as any boisterous, lewd, or generally offensive behavior or language, using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct, or profanity, obscene gestures or racial, religious or ethnic slurs will be considered harassment.  If people tell you “NO,” your business with them is done. If you continue to attempt to have contact with those people, you may be removed from the premises and your membership revoked.  – Dragon Con Policies

Regrettably, despite their own rules regarding ‘behaving like a jerk’, ‘physically or verbally threatening’, ‘pushing, shoving, or use of physical force which in any way creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous’…and despite him being reported to security under the assumption that he would have been banned based on these rules…Dragon Con did in fact allow Alec Peters to attend in 2022 (and presumably for all future Dragon Cons that he wants to attend).

I am not directly affiliated with Dragon Con and therefore cannot comment on why they would allow someone with his history to continue to not just attend, but apparently attend “eternally” based on his long-ago badge purchase. I am not here to question their decision at all, but merely to speak MY truth regarding the supposed “conspiracy theory[/theories]” surrounding his attendance *in 2022 only*.

Unfortunately, there were some posts and comments in Axamonitor that included incorrect information. Thus is the rub with a public Facebook group that – at the time – didn’t have the moderation rules in place that kept it from occasionally being a nonsensical free-for-all. (Trust me, I know, I was added as a moderator in late 2021 and still had very little actual moderation capability)

The following was originally posted on or before September 2nd, 2022:

alec peters dragon con 2022

Full disclosure: On that same day, I – obviously happy about the fact that this person who had stalked and harassed (and had his flunkeys stalk and harass) me for over a year at this point – posted the following:

alec peters dragon con 2022
As you can see, this is a friends-only post that I am sharing WILLINGLY.

Unfortunately, it was made clear very soon after this that if Alec Peters had ever been banned from Dragon Con, that action was undone – and from what we were told, it was because he has an “eternal badge”…so of course I followed my original post up with this comment:

alec peters dragon con 2022
Again, a friends-only correction to my friends-only post that I am WILLINGLY sharing.

Listen, I LOVE Dragon Con. I think they go above and beyond to give attendees the best experience ever, and to make those attendees feel safe. But that doesn’t discount the fact that I believe they made a bad decision here. If any other vendor/attendee who didn’t hold an “eternal badge” had been involved in an altercation where they physically assaulted another person – regardless of the provocation – would that vendor/attendee have been allowed to return to the event the next year as if nothing had happened?

Either way, I had no idea that someone was going to flag Alec for being in attendance, and that person assumed – rightfully so, based on Dragon Con’s own rules – that he shouldn’t be allowed to attend.

Did I enjoy the idea that he might have actually been banned? Absolutely, and why shouldn’t I have?! This was a person who had stalked, harassed, misgendered, and lied about me for well over a year at this point, and as far as I can tell this was all because I was a “woman” (in his mind; again, I go by they/them) who wouldn’t back down when he spouted bullshit at/about me.

Unfortunately, after Alec apparently talked with security (pretty sure he bragged about “knowing people” who run the event), he was, as previously mentioned, allowed to attend Dragon Con 2022. That year, and last year, and surely he will be back this year. He has an eternal badge, after all! (::eyeroll::)

The problem is that there were a lot of posts happening about his supposedly not being allowed to attend Dragon Con 2022, including some where people were comparing photos of what he was wearing and saying they proved he wasn’t actually there. And sure, even after the event, there were people who were insisting he hadn’t been allowed despite being shown proof that he was.

Side note: hilariously, Dean, who WASN’T EVEN AT Dragon Con 2022, was also implicated in this so-called “conspiracy” to get Alec removed from the event.

It’s very obvious that most if not all of this can be chalked up to people hoping for one thing and refusing to believe what actually happened.

That said, all I know is that I personally was not involved in ANY of it – not in Alec purportedly having to deal with security in the first place, not in some “conspiracy theory” about him being banned from Dragon Con, not in ::gestures:: whatever else they have tried to claim I took part in over the years.

In fact, as is evidenced above, I was told one thing, shared that information ONLY WITH MY FRIENDS, and WITHIN THE SAME DAY corrected what I had said based on actual factual information.

But hey, what do Alec and his flunkeys care? In their minds, one person acting on their own because they reported someone who they [again, RIGHTFULLY, based on Dragon Con’s policies] assumed was banned from the event for being in attendance = equals = conspiracy!

Regardless of what anyone else might have assumed/posted/etc…I was told a thing, I retracted it as soon as I was informed otherwise, and again…I wasn’t any more a part of this so-called “conspiracy” about Alec getting banned from Dragon Con than I was about the so-called “conspiracy” to “assault” him at Dragon Con 2021. (Which, just to be clear, was a situation that involved ONE PERSON getting charged with ANYTHING – originally Disorderly Conduct, which was upgraded to Simple Assault – and that person was, in fact, Alec Peters.)

Perhaps Axanar’s “legal team” has “investigated” some sort of “conspiracy” that will somehow have NOTHING to do with these previous “conspiracies” that they claim to have “uncovered”. Perhaps they have “uncovered” some other “conspiracy” that they will purportedly unveil in a “press release”* next week. (Note: Excessive use of quotations is because whether they’ve got some new nonsense to spew or are just going to rehash old nonsense, I can’t imagine any of it being anything but, well, nonsense.)

I guess we’l find out! In the meantime, I highly suggest you check out the most recent issues with Alec Peters, including:

The not-surprisingly TOTALLY messed-up so-called “Axanar Pet Rescue”
Follow-up to my 1st Axanar TikTok (from 10/24/23)
AP vs CBS/P and how offensive AP is to marginalized peoples (from 2/8/24)
“I did not release short film” Axanar vs CBS again (from 4/9/24)
“Paramount works with a ‘hate group'” claim (from 4/10/24)
Alec Peters’ Bad Fanfic of this Whole Situation (from 4/13/24)

Previous Installments:
Part 1: I’m Not a Star Trek Fan
Interlude: Proving My Point
Part 2: I’m Not an “Axanar Hater”
Part 3: I’m Not Perfect
Interlude 2: Too Little, Too Late?
Part 4: I’m Not Required to Ignore Attacks Against Me
Part 5: I’m Going to Protect My Family
Interlude 3: The Aftermath of an Interview