As always, while my Dragon Con schedule is subject to change right up to the convention starting (I had panels dropped at the last minute in both 2021 and 2022 due to guest schedule changes), with just two weeks left until Dragon Con 2023 I wanted to share where you can find me!
That said, I hope to see you around at Dragon Con this year…
Friday 9/1
@ 1 PM PANEL: Please Adapt This (Marriott L401-403)
@ 2:30 PM PANEL: Tress of the Emerald Sea (Marriott L401-403)
@ 4 PM PANEL: End of Days: The Loner vs. The Community (Westin Chastain F-G)
Saturday 9/2
@ 11:30 AM PANEL: Shadow & Bone Season 2 (Marriott L401-403)
@ 4 PM PANEL: The Madness of the King: Depictions of Mental Health in High Fantasy (Marriott L401-403)
@ 5:30 PM PANEL: The Worst Person in Westeros (Marriott L401-403)
Sunday 9/3
@ 1 PM PANEL: The Princess & The Queen: Exploring Alicent & Rhaenyra (Marriott A601-602)
@ 4 PM PANEL: House of the Dragon Season 1 (Hilton Crystal Ballroom)
Now, while I’m not revealing my exact Saturday secret cosplays, I will say that my daytime one is Barbie themed 🙂 Otherwise, you might see me out and about in the following…

Find me in my Gang Goes to Dragon Con shirt!
Day: AFC Richmond Football Player
Night: Bunny Hutch-style Stede from OFMD
Night: Modern Masquerade-style Viserys Targaryen from HotD
Day: *New* Secret Cosplay (Hint: Barbie themed!)
Night: *New* Secret Cosplay (No hints for this one, sorry not sorry 😉 )
Day: Ted Lasso!
Night: Security Person (From the technically non-existent Dragon Con Disaster Movie)