As I mentioned in part 2, I joined the Axamonitor Facebook group at the end of 2020, well after my partner had been sued (again, in the wrong jurisdiction) by Alec Peters. My “membership” in said group is what has [apparently? supposedly?] led Alec Peters, his girlfriend, and his flunkeys to deem me a “hater”…but that cohort involving me in their drama began well before I was an active member in Axamonitor.
But I need to begin this part of my story by admitting that I. Am. Not. Perfect. I can’t say that I haven’t made mistakes, screwed up, hurt people. What person can? But the thing is, I OWN my mistakes – I mean shit, that’s the reason I’m still very close friends with my ex-husband. And it’s why I’m not afraid to post what I’m about to say – because I wouldn’t lie about anything, let alone shit that is easily provable. Period, full stop.
So that said…
From the time I joined Axamonitor in November 2020 through the point where everything really came to a head in the summer of 2021, I commented on a total of 13 posts in that group…and there were a LOT of posts in that group in this time period. Of the comments I made, 40% were silly jokes. Of the others, one was me calling out the so-called “Axanar dog rescue”, and was from a position of someone who actually volunteers for a legitimate dog rescue. Another was me questioning them selling cheap messenger bags for $50 each when, from my personal experience with mass-producing items with screen-printed logos (which I do for my convention), one could mass produce those same bags for around $5 each (if not less).
So imagine my surprise when I came under full attack – not just as a “hater”, but as a “stalker” – and also as someone being threatened with lawsuits…among the other absolutely incorrect and awful things they were saying about me!
ESPECIALLY because they didn’t have ANYTHING to say about ME until my partner posted the folllowing:

Later that same day, Alec Peters made this post – because, as a bully does, he had to take something positive that was posted by a person he personally no longer likes, and turn it into DRAMA:

Please note the “Every single post you and your girl make will come up in Discovery” – first, at this point, I was already publicly identifying as they/them on ALL public social media. Second…what, exactly, did I have to do with this? It’s a threat to sue Dean (again, and wrongfully, AGAIN) and to drag me into it simply because I was in a relationship with Dean. Beyond that – regardless of my pronouns, I am NOT simply somebody’s “girl”, and never have been, so cool on the misgendering and also making me seem like less of a person by referring to me as a female who is the possession of a man.
EDIT on 2/8/23: I realized that I should probably reorganize this a bit in order to give context to a screenshot that I originally placed lower in this post. When the above post from Alec was shared in Axamonitor, these were the comments I left on it:

And of course the very next thing to happen was a full-on direct attack on me by Alec, because how dare I refuse to just sit back and get bullied as if I’m not my own person who can ya know, think for myself and all.

Regardless of what Alec THINKS happened at Dragon Con all those years, Dean’s wife left HIM. She abandoned him and their children, paid zero child support throughout their divorce, and also, as I mentioned in part 2 (and as his taxes would show), Dean only grossed a little less than $40k from the deal that Alec is referring to in this post.
On top of that, my adding “libel to his claims”??? Alec is the one talking shit about ME and about MY relationship.
But wait! There’s MORE! And while this next bit began as something focused on Dean and Curtis of the coffee shop article fame, of course I got dragged into it as well…
As you can see below, Alec’s girlfriend Crysstal made the following post on June 24, 2021 (so, within about 48 hours of Dean sharing the aforementioned article about the coffee shop). On July 2, 2021, she re-shared it. Why? Well, I certainly can’t speak to her reasoning, but I think it’s safe to presume that she did so because she/Alec felt that it hadn’t received enough attention:

Let me be VERY clear – Dean absolutely DID invite this Curtis person to the Battlestar Galactica fan party. He has NEVER denied as much. In fact, Curtis Short had attended this annual party at least once before (possibly twice), and spent time with Alec at said party. (Note: Curtis Short was Dean’s supervisor when they both worked for Alec at Alec’s company PropWorx, and at one time they were ALL friends.)

First things first, the “Colonial Fleet” is a pretty close-knit group, and while they are not an OFFICIAL fan group, they have very specific rules regarding member safety and conduct.
So while Dean certainly brought Curtis to the Dragon Con 2019 Colonial Fleet party as his guest (again, a party that Curtis had attended in previous years), what Dean absolutely DID NOT do is witness Curtis hitting Crysstal. And Dean ALSO did not “high five” him, “laugh” with him, and then “buy him a shot” ….alll “because he “SAW” Curtis “hit” Crysstal.
As a member of the Colonial Fleet, Dean has been involved in several situations in which disciplinary actions were taken regarding male members of the group who had made female members feel unsafe, including being directly involved in getting the so-called “Real Aquaman” (a known predator) removed from the group immediately after this person attempted to join.
No matter WHAT Dean’s issues are with Alec, no matter that he is/was “friends” with Curtis, the person who supposedly hit Crysstal, Dean would NEVER have witnessed something like that and not IMMEDIATELY dealt with it – and when I say “dealt with it”, I mean physically removing this person from the situation and apologizing for what happened, regardless of his issues with Alec.
Whoever these supposed “witnesses” were? They never came forward (despite at least two threats that they would). And here’s the thing – I refuse to victim blame. I do not know Curtis Short. I can’t say that he did not do exactly what Crysstal said he did, nor would I, because I wasn’t there, and the only thing I know for sure is that Alec and Curtis had “beef” with each other. Even DEAN admits that while he strongly doubts that this happened, as he did not actually witness it happen, he cannot discount that in the crowded bar, such as it was, it absolutely did not happen.
BUT Crysstal Hubbard’s NEXT step was to attack ME.
Me, a person who had never actually officially MET her.
Me, a person who had been in the same room with her – always at group events – twice? MAYBE three times? Who had literally NEVER come face to face or spoken with her?
Me, a person who – if I ACTUALLY have a problem with you – is someone who will step forward and say as much. And yet, when Crysstal made the above post regarding Curtis assaulting her, someone who knew me only as a friend of a friend commented:

Let me be very clear: Dean did not witness any such act, and no matter WHAT he feels about Alec, IF it had actually happened, he NEVER would have laughed about it, he NEVER would have high-fived about it, he NEVER would have bought shots in celebration of it happening.
Side note: Dean doesn’t even LIKE shots, so there’s that.
Additionally, I was not “awful online” to Crysstal and Alec. I made some joking posts, called Alec out for overcharging for shitty messenger bags….nothing rude or over the top. If you doubt me, you can always search my Axamonitor history from 2020 or 2021 (prior to late June that year, of course). As far as I remember and as far as I could find in my searches, I NEVER talked about Crysstal, at all, period.
But beyond that, “SHE and Dean talked shit about me all last Dragon Con and they don’t even know me”.
Crysstal is right. I did/do not KNOW her. I also did not – and DO not – care about her. And I would NEVER spend ANY Dragon Con – 2019, 2021, or 2022 for that matter – thinking, caring, or DOING anything about her. Or Alec, for that matter. I don’t actually have TIME at Dragon Con to think about these people who, again, I don’t know, don’t give a shit about, and have never actually officially MET.
The problem is, I am being FORCED to “care” about this situation as a whole because they forced me to do so with their constant attacks, threats, bullying, and stalker behavior.
Again – I was misgendered. Essentially referred to as someone’s property. LIED about, because I absolutely do not know Curtis Short – have literally never met him in person and have NEVER had communication of any sort with him.
Let me repeat: I can’t say that he did not do what Crysstal says he did. I would love to talk to her witnesses, because honestly, no matter how she has treated me or what nasty things she has said about me, no person, ever, should be the victim of an assault like what she described and have to suffer in silence.
Like I’ve said, I’m not perfect and would never claim to be. I will own up to the mistakes I’ve made and the shitty things I’ve actually done, such as they are. (Though they are certainly NOTHING like the things Alec Peters, Crysstal Hubbard, and their flunkeys have accused me of and have NEVER had ANYTHING to do with ANY of them.)
But hey! Crysstal has PROOF of our “infidelity” – in the form of a SINGLE PHOTO that she felt the need to share on a public post on her Facebook page!

OH. MY. GAWRSH! There I am, sitting a foot or more away from Dean, having to lean in to look at what I guess is something on his phone? OBVIOUS PROOF THAT WE ARE IN! A! RELATIONSHIP! Right? (lol not) (mmm COZY)
*As a note, the TikTok she is referencing is this one – as previously mentioned, I wrote an article about “10 Pieces of Fandom Lore” and I ended up creating 6 TikTok videos from that article, between 10/13/2020 and 11/17/2020, before I tired of it…the second of which was about Axanar, on 10/17/2020)
Wait, let me share some other “Mmm, cozy” pics of myself with my friends from 2019…
Me kissing my lovely friend Jena – me being close with my good friend Orion – me sitting on my amazing friend RJ’s lap – me having a moment with my friend Meghan – me sitting on my friend Steve’s lap – me cozy with my BFF Bekah –

And yes, I AM trying to prove a point. Not because I HAVE to, but because I CAN – that being, a person is ALLOWED to have affectionate relationships with their friends, and even IF I was doing more than just leaning in to look at my best friend Dean’s phone – if I was kissing him on the cheek, or even sitting in his lap, ffs – that doesn’t necessarily signify that there is something untoward happening. It’s literally NO ONE’S PROBLEM but your own if you see affection between friends as being questionable ::shrug::
Yes, there is SO much more to this than what I’ve said so far – but this is already very long, so I will conclude with this:
As I showed in my interlude post, Alec, Crysstal, and their flunkeys LOVE to prattle outright lies in an attempt to make the people they call “their bullies” look bad…except when they do so, it only makes THEM look like idiots, IMO. Take this post that was shared with me today as an example – because it parrots the absolute nonsense lies from the comments left on part 1 of this series!

Funny, Dean and I didn’t remember sending messages to anyone about this situation (and we both actually checked, and neither of us did so anywhere at all, HMM) – let alone anything mentioning they had fake badges. Additionally, what happened at Dragon Con 2021 that got ALEC in trouble certainly didn’t involve Crysstal (at least as far as I know) so why would anyone attempt to implicate her in it? Oh, they wouldn’t.
But the conclusion I’m trying to draw here is that that’s the point – They. Lie. Over, and over, and over again. Sometimes – rarely – there might be a tiny nugget of truth in their lies – but as I mentioned in part 2, it’s just their use (abuse?) of the illusory truth effect.
If you doubt me, stay tuned for future installments, where I will disprove their weird conspiracy theories and lies over, and over, and over again!
I remember the beginning of the coffee shop thing, before things got ugly.
AP posted some kind of blurb talking up the coffee shop (rather than talking about the progress–or, specifically, the LACK of progress–on the fan film he was making, and when folks in the ‘hater group’ began making fun of alec trying another coffee venture (he tried to sell star trek themed coffee earlier as a fundraising gimmick), Alec went into righteous indignation mode and INSISTED that he had NO connection to thr coffee shop business at all, and that the ‘haters’ were so blinded by their rage, they were lashing out at an innocent entrepreneur and trying to ruin a business that was in no way affiliated with Alec other than it being owned by a friend of his….and then, when things went sideways between Alec and his friend, the story was that the guy had ‘stolen’ the coffee shop from him…
there’s a pretty big difference between ‘i have nothing to do with the business you are trying to ruin, you dirty hater’ to ‘they stole that business from me’…just another lie to throw in the mix, but one that sticks out in my mind, because, for a little while, i started to fall for the first one, and was wondering if maybe the ‘haters’ really were pushing things too far, and creating unnecessary collateral damage….i was relieved when the story changed to ‘they stole that business from me’, because i realized that it was more of the same.
Pingback: I'm Not an "Axanar Hater": Alec Peters & Bullying in Fandom, Part 2Tara Lynne's Geek Saga
Pingback: Too Little Too Late: Alec Peters & Bullying in Fandom, Interlude 2Tara Lynne's Geek Saga
Pingback: I'm Not a Star Trek Fan: Alec Peters & Fandom Bullying, Part 1Tara Lynne's Geek Saga
Pingback: Proving My Point: Alec Peters & Bullying in Fandom, An InterludeTara Lynne's Geek Saga
Pingback: I'm Not Required to Ignore Attacks Against Me: Alec Peters & Fandom Bullying, Part 4Geek Saga Entertainment