Episode 26 of The Geek Saga Podcast includes live audio from the two Red Dead Redemption panels featuring voice actors Roger Clark (Arthur Morgan) and Benjamin Byron Davis (Dutch van der Linde) at MomoCon 2019.
As a huge fan of the Red Dead Redemption games, I was very excited when I heard that Roger Clark and Benjamin Byron Davis would be attending MomoCon in Atlanta. I spent the weekend cosplaying Red Dead (Sadie Adler, specifically, along with my buddy who does an amazing John Marston) and made sure to attend both the Saturday and Sunday panels featuring the actors. This podcast features audio from both panels, though I did remove some repetitive questions/stories to make it…well, more cohesive, sure, but also shorter (and it still clocks in at just over an hour and a half long). Whether you attended the con/these panels or are simply a Red Dead fan, I hope you enjoy – I know I did!
(Side note: I do apologize for the fact that there is some annoying ‘foreground noise’ at certain points. Unfortunately, being in the audience meant that I couldn’t control the noise the people around me made, and I didn’t want to lose too much volume on the moderators and actors when they were speaking.)